Monthly Archives: February 2019
Latin American Poverty
" The emphasis in the book, on the belief that the development of the poorest countries depends only on the behavior of the richest countries, and seeks to show that development occurs only below upwards, ie, societies and active citizens … Continue reading
Cattail Plaiting
There are many ways to look at the crisis. Maybe it's an extra stimulus for every Russian. The artist paints, weaves, sculpts when hungry, cold and generally under stress! Remember the story and draw a conclusion. When emotions overwhelmed, I … Continue reading
European Union
But these thoughts also wishes to conceal that in this some prosperity and justice, World as it is, are unattainable. Democracy and freedom you can not live, they don’t know, they think freedom and justice with the hollow term ‘Democracy’, … Continue reading
Vocational Guidance
Astrology can help you choose the most suitable for your profession. Each spring, your children, grandchildren, relatives, and, perhaps, and you are faced with the problem of choice: where to go to learn? Which is not just a profession we … Continue reading