Monthly Archives: November 2021
Study: Invitation To Pilferage By Open USB Ports
Lack of safety culture in enterprises Cologne – the safety culture”of many companies are mostly not sufficient response to the increasing mobility of employees. So in two out of three companies, USB interfaces can be used by anyone without restrictions. … Continue reading
Commercial Vehicle Sector
The company expands the international division as a system supplier for the automotive industry with the successful participation in the decider of the advertised competition of Laudongasse pulse GmbH with the topic of growth impulse 2008 ‘ the Borges GmbH … Continue reading
The Association
“” Online media focus even the World Wide Web is used by the Association as a means of communication and distribution channel: we have some time ago a group of pressure + media “on the business platform XING launched”, explains … Continue reading
In addition, Agility can be hard to measure, and are thus related effects, if at all, only set after a longer period of time”, runs the computer week. The SOA hype is actually to an end, and that is a … Continue reading
European Commision
Under eLearning, it is generally understood the educational methods, were computer is used as the instructional medium.It is a planned educational experience, involving both teaching and… Introduction under eLearning, it is generally understood the educational methods, were computer is used … Continue reading
Recommendation Marketing 2.0: The Renaissance Of An Old Merchant Of Virtue
Referral marketing is a classic marketing recommendation marketing in all its facets has irreversibly joined the triumphant. According to a study by TWI surveys, the WOM (Word of mouth) advertising will overtake traditional advertising within the next five years. According … Continue reading
European University
Points with the CTE Cologne the European University of applied sciences (CFCA) performs management together with the school of Economics at the Association of the CTE in the future the cooperative degree Bachelor of Arts / General. 50% of the … Continue reading
Managing Director
“Reduce costs with ultra THin CLients In 2006 four nuclear power plants, Sun Ray ran alone for the cooling of data centers in Western Europe”, so the entry into the topic of Bertram Stratz, Managing Director of SoftConDev Ltd., Bamberg. … Continue reading
Costa Rica
The Germans beat so that countries, but they are not only the rate of other European also willing to move over larger distances. So changed almost 60 percent over distances between 160 and 1,600 kilometers, on a worldwide comparison this … Continue reading
Grunderwettbwerb Stop: The Jury
The first by EmiL nrw and smart network district Kleve initiated founder competition ‘The best business idea’ on 30 October in Wesel decided. The jury (Dirk Schubel, Holger Thies, Ute Schmeiser and Andrea Feldmann) was not an easy task. A … Continue reading