Acupuncture – is a special method of influencing the biologically active points of the human body, located on the surface of the skin. Specialist acts on these points by introducing them into the special needle. There are two concepts that are often confused – it's acupuncture (acupuncture), and reflexology. In the acupuncture points on the active influence by all means – and needles, and laser and electrical pulses, as well as – magnetic field. So – acupuncture – is one of the techniques of reflexology. With the help of special instruments acupuncture irritable location of biologically active points.
Acupuncture can regulate the activity of internal organs and increase vitality, prevent and cure disease. Gomeosiniatriya – is an artificial word made up of several roots: homeo – from the "homeopathy," xing – from "Sinology" (the study of China), iatros – from the Greek "doctor", "treatment". Gomeosiniatriya – is a special method of therapy, which successfully combines the principles and approaches of homeopathy and traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic and Thai medicine. Gomeosiniatriya has several features: first, the drugs are entered accurately into the acupuncture points, and secondly, for the treatment uses only homeopathic medicines in injection form, Third, within the framework of this method is not allowed to mix homeopathic remedies with allopathic means, above all, local anesthetics. This method was developed by French physician, Roger De La Fyui, nephew of Jules Verne.
Roger De La Fyui traveled almost half of the world in search of new knowledge and ideas. Watching the leaders of the Stony Indian tribe in Northern Canada, he noticed that they pricked themselves with needles specific points on the stone or inflicted on them a tattoo, rubbing herbs. Methods of Acupuncture and Gomeosiniatrii effective for the following diseases: 1. Infertility / Miscarriage 2. Overweight 3. Dizziness, unsteadiness, tinnitus, ringing in the head – treatment is carried out by a unique author's technique, based on prescriptions of ancient medical treatises, 4. Joint disease – rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, arthritis, Osteoarthritis 5. Neurological disorders – neurosis, phobias, stuttering, cerebral palsy, sexual dysfunction, 6. Post stroke, post-traumatic paralysis, peripheral nerve palsy, epilepsy, 7. Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, spastic torticollis, 8. Osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, 9. Smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, 10. Heart disease: coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, and 11. Pulmonary Disease: COPD bronchial asthma, 12. Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, cholelithiasis, 13. Kidney diseases, reproductive tract infections, impotence, prostate adenoma, 14. Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, 15. Allergy, 16. A weak immune system. 17. Headaches in common migraine and premenstrual character headaches in women 18. Intercostal neuralgia; 19. Phlebology disease. Contraindications – cancer.