Brazilian Plan

This excessively became the cheap and competitive importations in the domestic market, what it forced the national industry to improve its productivity front to the foreign competition. The popularizao of the consumption occurred then, in virtue of the significant magnifying of the sales of the retail, the increase in the sales the stated period, of the raised propensity delinquent to consume of the Brazilian families (as they had high material lack, any increment in the income implies in increase of the consumption) and the low incomes of the financial applications, over all of fixed income. If, in the month of June of 1994, the INPC reached 48.24%, in September of the same year, did not pass of 1,4%. Minister FHC could not wait resulted better. With so great success, it if he launches as candidate for the PSDB to the presidency of the Republic and wins the elections, giving, from its mandate, continuity to the Real Plan and the implantation of the neoliberal politics. However, some of these immediate benefits of the Plan would generate overwhelming contradictions for the country in the next years. Let us see us of close.

A currency supervalued in relation to the dollar generated a shock of offers in the Brazilian economy due to torrent of imported products. If, at a first moment, this contributed decisively to subject the inflationary spiral, also was responsible for ' ' roubar' ' slices of markets of the industry national, pressuring it to produce it more and better (this means to diminish the costs of production through the intensive use of modern technology). The companies who had known and had capacity of if adapting to this new scene if sobressaram, the ones that did not have conditions to follow this process had declared insolvent or had been incorporated. In this manner, the bankruptcy of innumerable Brazilian companies and the subsequent increase of the unemployment indices had been two ominous consequences of the politics of government FHC. .

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