In the current context of the economic growth, an enormous disequilibrium was generated, that of a side abundance of corporeal properties and the other the scarcity and poverty; pollution and degradation of the environment. The subject Desenvolvimento Sustentvel (DS) that they have as objective to harmonize the ambient preservation and the economic development, without compromising the environment, favoring a worthy life and contributing for the conditions necessary the future generations to reach quality of life better. The necessity of a change of habits and attitudes on the part of each one of us, to try to balance our environment, we agree to Fertile valley (2005), the activities human beings have the power to provoke great changes in the ground, the atmosphere, the water, the flora and the fauna. Most viable for the reach of the objectives of the support, second analysis of its proper ones estimated, is to also integrate the practical actions, that is, is to provide the interconnection between strategical areas, such as education, health, social assistance, generation of job and income, urban infrastructure, habitation, ambient conservation, sport, culture and leisure. Everything this permeado for an apt planning to characterize an efficient and efficient intervention next to population-target and to consolidate a worthier and human standard of living for these.
In this direction, social matters, institucional, technological, cultural and ambient politics, also integrate the foundation that bases the sustainable development. Sustainable development Conceptually ' ' Sustainable development is the development that takes care of to the necessities of the gift without compromising the possibility of proper the future generations to take care of its necessidades' ' Our Common Future, 1987. For Costanza (1991), the development concept sustainable it must be inserted in the dynamic relation between the human economic system and a bigger system, with tax of slower change, the ecological one. To be sustainable this relation must assure that the life human being can continue indefinitely, with growth and development of its culture, observing itself that the effect of the activities human beings remain inside of adjusted borders, in order not to destroy the diversity, the complexity and the functions of the Ecological System of support to the life.