East Timor

But if you're a student, researcher, or a driver simply a person who needs serious medical care, the 2011-th you will be a difficult year. And the IMF loans should not be happy because they will cost the country too dearly. Is the government not understand that this route is a dead end – and for the President, and for power in general? A study conducted by the Foundation 'People First' in late 2010 showed that the average Ukrainian family first and foremost concerned about employment issues, education, health care, food prices, as well as corruption, the government's failure to represent the interests of the people and their own powerlessness. The new budget is totally unable to solve any of these problems. It is unlikely that this situation contributes to the popularity of the President. If the government does not fundamentally alter the present course, the chances of re-election authorities to be on the next elections are close to zero. Ukraine is in no hurry to leave the area of investment risk For foreign investors, Ukraine is still in the high-risk.

This, in particular, by the index of investment risk Political Risk Atlas, 2011, promulgated by the British firm Maplecroft. According to the document, in 2010 Ukraine worsened its investment attractiveness in comparison to 2009, having moved from 62 th to the 74-th place, so ensconced between Burkina Faso (73 place) and the Republic of East Timor (75 place). The main reasons reduction of the investment climate in Ukraine, according to the researchers, were worsening corporate governance and macroeconomic stability, respect for human rights, as well as a critical drop in education.

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