In accordance with the Plan, the government intends to introduce biometric passports, to adopt appropriate legislation in the field resolve issues of citizenship, development of the state border, as well as develop and implement a program to combat human trafficking. In the plus Ukraine are also attending the signing of readmission agreements with EU Effective reform of the Border Service. Given the Government's intention to intensify actions to implement the Plan, until the end of 2011 Ukraine will fulfill its commitments to the EU and enter the stage of signing agreement to abolish or at least mitigate, the visa regime for the start of Euro 2012. However, officials note that the final decision from the EU will still be political. That's why the President and Government should take into account that the violation of democratic freedoms and the deterioration of social standards can undo all their efforts. Commentary Fund "First People": At first glance, the Government's desire achieve mitigation of visa regime with the EU seems a step in the right direction.
But the question arises: who is primarily a benefit? 35% of the population already lives below the poverty line – these people can hardly afford a ticket to Europe, not to mention the cost of each day of stay in the eurozone. Government policies on small and medium-sized businesses will soon lead to a reduction in working capital. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that middle class, too, there are compelling opportunities to travel. The cost of education is growing rapidly, resulting in even light soon on the rise, students will spend a vacation home. On children and pensioners who simply not able to travel independently, we do not go.
Consequently, the new visa regime primarily benefits the politicians and representatives of big business, their families and servants. However, it is likely that at the time when the EU agrees to simplified visa regime will already frozen assets and restrictions on travel for many representatives of Ukrainian elite. Is not it better if the government focus on solving real problems rather than on their mercenary and cynical game? Editorial: Last week was published a special issue of "protecting democracy", dedicated to the planned government Education Reform. In particular, they talked about how that money spent on a new helicopter for the President, you could buy 30,000 school computers. And on March 1 Cabinet of Ministers pledged to increase budget for school computerization in 2011 to 350% – from 31 mln. up to 110 mln. (Or 3.86 million to $ 13.75 million). The sum of this value to nedotyagivaet presidential helicopter, but it is certainly a step in the right direction. I want to thank the Ministers for such initiatives and for the decision in the interests of quality education for children. And one more news. In response to a number of deputies, now weekly "On Guard Democracy will be distributed among parliamentarians in printed form. However, we hope that soon the MPs have opted to receive our e-mailing the publication. Please be assured that the editorial policy Weekly continue to be based on constructive criticism, not lacking, however, positive evaluations of authority, for that would be the base. We hope that this initiative will serve a constructive dialogue between government and civil society.