Financial Notation

The agencies of financial notation had been main the responsible ones for the crisis, that had its beginning in 2007. The products most toxic had easily gotten the notations highest, so that they acquired them to the investors. The great losses of the banking system are to be paid, currently for the contributors. But, although this, the agencies continue to influence the politics of the countries, nominated in the ones to press the belt, therefore in case that contrary they threaten with the descending of rating e, the consequent increase of the costs of the credit. The fraud well is mounted, the companies of the Group Capital and of the Capital World Investors, they are the biggest shareholders of Standard & Poor? s, and of the Moody? s. These companies withhold a significant investment in headings of the sovereign debts of Ireland, Greece, Portugal, among others.

Thus, at least two of the biggest shareholders of the agencies of notation of the world they act and they benefit directamente of the market, therefore its evolution is strong conditional for its proper agencies of notation. It was possible to verify its intervention in the Portuguese market. Who does not remember the financial company, of now the imprisoned Bernad Madoff, that always had the best classification, in AAA, until appearing hecatombe financial. Who does not remember the bank Lehman Brothers, that always had the maximum classification until its bankruptcy. The fragile one and broken up European Union, had the French-German alliance are felt impotent and with enormous frustration for not obtaining to supervise the activity of the three great North American agencies of notation. This is today, the great instrument of manipulation of the markets used by the United States, to disfararem its enormssimo external, but well-taken care of indebtedness with the vultures.

As cherry on of the cake we have Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI), that in the Portuguese case it only goes to profit about 550 million euros. The absence of international financial crises is, in same itself, a crisis for the FMI. Without crises it does not have loans, without loans do not have incomes and without incomes it does not have jobs. The elect governments democratically are hindered of adoptar its politics in substance of public finances. The Portuguese accumulated debt is very below of other European countries, nominated Italy. The budgetary dfice is inferior to the one of many European countries. Because were chosen we them? because she will be that the next victims go to be Belgium, Italy and Spain? These answers will be for another one post. Source of the article:

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