Outrolitro of water adds, moving constantly. Later that the boil started, that to devedurar 35 minutes, places one pratinho of porcelain in deep of the pan the parano to grudar. It leaves to cool and coe immediately afterwards, using a cloth of malhaaberta, twisting trouxa that form. To complete the volume, joining guanecessria, in order to get itself, in the end, 2 liters of soy milk. This leitepode to be kept in refrigerator per some days. To improve the flavor of milk, one adds a bit of salt, vanilla or canela' '. Ana, who if autodenomina pure vegetarian, teaches diversasformas to substitute the derivatives of milk.
She teaches that to make the cheese desoja is alone to join the 2 liters of previously warm milk of soy, to 1 xcara devinagre (for the curdle), mixing well. She is necessary to leave in rest algunsminutos, until if becoming complete the curdle, that is passed then to a fine depano bag. The bag must be dived with the folder some times in erenovada clean water, until disappearing the vinegar excess. It is important to leave escorrerdurante one hour, espremendo later, to eliminate the liquid. The mass must sertemperada with salt. The cheese must be placed in proper form, in place frescoe aired, until it hardens. Read 25 says that whenever makes soy meat, it leaves of molhoem water for about half hour, while carrot washes and pricks, chuchu, macaxeira, string bean, onion, garlic, and makes a fried sauce, starting with the onion, later the garlic, carrot, chuchu, string bean, when everything starts to smell and asbordas of the greens well to be more escurinhas (not burnt, and yes cozidas), plays the meat of drained soy, a cup d' water, I smell green, salt, and to deixaferver for a good time, placing more necessary water when. Sara recomendaa meat of soy in bundle (that one that seems animal ration).