Francisco Arias Solis

And this in a double aspect: create a non-existent past and imagine an impossible future. This occurs on all the children who are waiting to reintegrate with her family originally. They are generally unable to recognize the (family) causes which are at the origin of its institutionalization and forge an interpretation of the past that never puts into question the behaviour of their parents; on the other hand, are those people and institutions that host them guilty of his desperately uncertain situation. The future is contemplated by these children as an idealized time that all these problems will cease to exist. But in the transition to that another phase of life rarely, they, think will intervene your decision and your personal effort but shall come as the end of a fairy tale.

In many cases the parents are not kept away from their children: visit them occasionally, or at least once a year, they declare that they are still able to keep them (and thus remain in the institution). This link whose rupture has something taboo – fed illusions, expectations of future necessarily better. Parents, When they are with their children, they promise them that soon will draw them from the institution; then there’s always some reason beyond his control, which stands as an obstacle to this happy ending, external. The ideal for the return time never comes. But children are still clinging, as to a burning nail, to the belief in the imminent return home. This defines an axis of meaning for their lives. Some parents subtly triggered a process of blaming their children.

Convey you the message that if they do not return is your fault: misbehave, they are not responsible, they are bad students if it were not enough, on more than one occasion own educators contribute to hammer the nail. The main consequence of all this is that found in a dead-end: not reintegrating his family because misbehave, but misbehave, because it is inherent to life in a disciplinary institution. With what enters into vicious circle that leads to the blockade, stagnation and a myriad of behaviors motivated by rage and the impotence. It is no wonder that many of these children end up placed within a psychological bubble: they deviate from reality, lose all motivation to learn, do not enjoy life and have a marked tendency to the daydream as reverie sterile in opposition to the imagination as to the awareness of reality. In short, a long expected pregnant of hopelessness, coupled with the lack of awareness of the situation and the sui generis of its reality perception, constitute a wall that stands as a barrier to development. And as the poet said: since then I lived dreaming / with that child hell / why your hands of girl / guided me to get lost. Francisco Arias Solis not shoot where there are children. Stop. We don’t need more angels in glory. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.

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