
Tourism is considered within the Homonatropia, as economic activity to be able to link between human and this is with nature seek protection for both and give the best time to free profitable. Another basis for the tourism Homonatropia or leisure, this would allow us not only special reunion with nature, also requires a radical change in our habits as in the case of the so called “junk” or scrap, waste, homonatropicamente speaking these words are transformed into , from recycling, recycling becomes a special cleaning and hygiene in vital functions similar to those of the peasant, because this action must be collected, selected, classified and processed according to commercial principles in a reverse order established with the aim of reducing re-exploitation of nature and allowing the insertion of a large number of people industrial and cultural activities and social. ECOBAREMO that legislation is raised by the homonatropia, to determine the form of the interaction between resize humans and the back to natural. . We live in a city whose “walls” keep us apart from nature or the store, our routine is focused on achieving greater and better vehicular traffic in cities of greater population density in addition to making a food market set to supply the population, these by highlighting two of the common causes of social ills today. The Homonatropia aims to establish a scale for which the rules and procedures allow us to get back to nature to expand our boundaries and achieve a fair balance between humans and nature.

Published in: General

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