Industry Canada

The largest Canadian city of Toronto, who is also the administrative center of the province of Ontario, today still focuses on its territory and in its vicinity one third of the total Canadian population, providing Canadians about one-sixth of all jobs in the country. Throughout the world, Toronto is known as the economic center and Canada's economic engine, and today it not only plays an important role in the development of their economies, but also has a lot of weight on this issue at the international level. With regard to the population, according to these indicators Canadian metropolis is famous for the greatest variety of cultures and is a center of attraction for immigrants Canada. So, more than half of its population – citizens of other countries who came here for permanent residence or diplomatic purposes, and the province of Ontario, located in central Canada (the population and second largest, after Quebec) hosts a large part of visitors. The main language here – English, state the same languages are both English and French. Not looking at the same extreme diversity of nations and cultures, focusing on one area, Ontario, like himself, of Toronto, are hardly the most secure area magapolisnogo type in the Americas. Ontario, being the only province bordering the Great Lakes (the system of freshwater lakes in North America, including a number of large and medium-sized reservoirs, connected by rivers and straits), is of great importance for tourism Industry Canada, as well as part of navigation.

As for Ontario, it being, as they often say, "only province not even the capital, on the popularity of it in any way is not far behind either from Toronto or even from Ottawa – the capital of Canada, and sometimes even exceeds them. Often in the world of newspaper strips can detect an article with mention of Ontario. Thus, one of the main themes of conversation around Ontario, was the fact that, since 2001, the province maintained immunization programs, which led to a significant reduction in the incidence of influenza. For a long time, Ontario was one of the few areas in the world where free flu vaccine offered to all residents without exception. Also, a few years ago, the Canadian province of nearly became the first and only of western territory, which would officially recognized Shariah law, which for a long time attracted the attention of the world's press. The fact that the judicial authorities of the Province of Ontario, trying to somehow reduce the burden on local civilian courts, came to the decision to allow an existing religious groups here (Muslim, Catholic, Jewish) be the arbiters of family disputes related to inheritance, divorce and child custody. Today, Ontario is a global program for international exchange students, which also allows you to talk about it no small role in international issues. In addition, under the patronage of the local authorities here by a special program that provides opportunity for every local resident to obtain special secondary or higher education. Through this program, higher education will become more accessible not only for French-speaking Canadians, but also for indigenous peoples, as well as Canadians with disabilities and young people, whose families no one before has received higher education.

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