Isaura Maria Pear tree of Oliveira Summary Objectified itself with this revision, to congregate information on biosynthesis, the distribution and the biological importance of isoflavonas of soy (Glycine max Merr.). The bibliographical research was developed from elaborated material already, constituted mainly of scientific books, articles and pages of web-sites. Isoflavonas belongs to a classroom of secondary metablitos that occur predominantly in leguminosas, is a type of present fitohormnio in the soy that assist in the prevention of degenerative illnesses chronic and those associates with hormones. Isoflavonas in Isoflavonas Soy is difenlicos composites found of course in the leguminosas, being gifts in high concentrations in soy (Table 1). Main isoflavonas found in soy Glycine max (L.) Merrill is composites derived from agliconas genistena, daidzena and glicitena that they are accumulated as b-glicosdeos (genistina, daidzina and glicitina), malonilglicosdeos (6' ' – O-malonilgenistina, 6' ' – O-malonildaidzina and 6' ' – O-malonilglicitina) and acetilglicosdeos (6' ' – O-acetilgenistina, 6' ' – O-acetildaidzina and 6' ' – O-acetilglicitina) (Song et al., 1999).
These composites are synthecized by different ramifications that leave of the branch of fenilpropanides. The metabolic branches that give to origin to these isoflavonas firmly are established, but it knows that the biossintticos branches of daidzenas and glicitenas probably share isoliquiritigenina as a common intermediary (Latunde-Date et al., 2001). The branch of genistenas, on the other hand, originates from naringenina (Steele et al., 1999). Although to originate from distinct precursors, the intermediate gifts in these branches are resultant of the activity of common enzymes, some of which already they are known, as chalcona sintase, chalcona redutase and isoflavona sintase (Akashi et al., 1999). The concentration of isoflavonas in soy grains genetically is determined and affected for several ambient factors, such as temperature, place and year of plantation (Eldridge and Kwolek, 1983; Tsukamoto et al., 1995; Carro-Panizzi et al., 1999; Hoeck et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2003). The forms malonilgenistina and malonildaidzina have been reported as being the ones that present greaters accumulations in the soy seed, on average represent about 65% of the total of isoflavonas (Kudou et al., 1991a, b; Carro- Panizzi et al., 1999). Kudou et al., (1991a) had analyzed the accumulation of isoflavonas in soy grains and had evidenced that the text of isoflavonas in hipoctilo is the 5,5 6,0 times bigger that in cotyledons and that the tegumento does not present no form of isoflavona.
Glicitena and its derivatives had been found only in hipoctilo. They had verified despite the different accumulation of isoflavonas varies during the development of the soy seed. The six forms found in the seeds genistina, daidzina, glicitina, malonilgenistina, malonildaidzina and malonilglicitina had been accumulated after enter 35 and 60 days the bloom. However, genistina and malonilgenistina they had accumulated much more in the period of the wadding of the seed; daidzina and malonildaidzina had accumulated with a constant and glicitina and malonilglicitina tax and had all kept six levels during the period.