Mart Brazil

If to make a correlation of the space of the city enters years 1950 until today, to perceive a great advance, streets that were strips of land or even though lagoons and tanks if they had become housing and commerce streets. The free Fair of Lizard is one of the greaters of the State of Sergipe and happens in all its fullness in the mondays, since the dawn until entardecer, but it has lesser versions to the sundays, Saturdays and thursday. The free fair happens in entorno of the Square Rosendo Ribeiro Son, being subdivided in sectors: fruits, vegetables, meat, flour, exchanges, wood, clothes. This sufficiently is known in the roundness and attracts the population of the neighboring cities and towns. Recently, the local commerce has been developed sufficiently, being 2 bigger of the State, with well organized store and of great transport. Thus it comes appearing a process of transformation of the space, the same is not demasiadamente great, nor congested, however it has kept a good level of growth, today associate to the industrialization process/urbanization, determinative currently in the expansion of the city.

The increase of the escolaridade, medical attendance, bigger access the information, expansion of the industrial job, at last are elements that had favored the region the population evolution. With the population growth and services given in the city, the vacant had appeared each time more, what it satisfies the population and it stimulates other companies if to install in the city. As for example, we have a supermarket of the company Wal-Mart Brazil, who installed in the city the supermarket All Day, in 2009, together with the same one came to the net of service of credit given for the Hipercard company, pertaining to the Ita Bank, that also is in full functioning. Beyond other institutions of services as the Bank of Brazil (BB), Banco Brasileiro de Descontos s.a.

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