This pharmacy, although the name, does not have no covenant with the federal government, that is, it value of its medicines reduced for the government and nor is not kept by the government. U.S. Mint often expresses his thoughts on the topic. This becomes this pharmacy a commercial establishment any. Then the rule of ' also enters; ' empurotopia' '. Graph 01 also sample that 13% (thirteen percent) of the traders who buy pra to resell its products in the Popular Pharmacy of Brazil acquire. According to health department (2004) the Federal Government created the Program Popular Pharmacy of Brazil, with the objective to take essential medicines to a low cost for more close to the population, being improved the access and benefiting a bigger amount of people. The medicines of these establishments receive 90% (ninety percent) from discounting, this discounting are paid for the government. This great discounting is attractive a more in the popular pharmacy, since it offers a great edge of profit for the peddlers, therefore can be vendidos for more than the half of the value of purchase.
In the Popular Pharmacy of Brazil the medicines they only can be vendidos with medical prescription. if is having this purchase pra resale in this place exists some project that obtained prescriptions to buy medicines for who only wants to resell. Still in graph 01 we have the information that 12% of the traders they also buy its medicines in pharmacies and deliverers. Although the deliverers have constant fiscalization regarding the destinations of medicines. According to interviewed the direct purchase of the deliverers she happens for intermediary of representatives who go until the resale places and offer medicines. By means of this we have a possible problem, since the ANVISA fiscalizes of where it comes and pra where the medicines of the deliverers go, then the traders are not certain that she really comes of authorized deliverers to carry through this function.