Right Quality

Violence Human being, why? Violence is a subject ample and complicated to argue, not only for the fan that if opens to the possibilities of its causes, but for the sensation of impotence and incapacity that in the awaken one, after each debate. Many times all we have an opinion formed of many things related to this subject, but we ahead omit in them of the facts of day-by-day; if to analyze well, all the moment we force somebody, or some thing without exactly perceiving and unconscious of this we annul the possibilities of change in us or the other. For Human the Universal Declaration of the Right-hander, we have right to the quality housing, but we do not live well, we come across in them with incredible conditions of survival, people without any infrastructure, coexisting animals, sewer the opened sky, hospital garbage, etc. Also for the Universal Declaration Of the Human Rights, have right the trick, to the leisure, to be happy and many times we are not; we see the all moment enslaved children being; estressante hours of working and wages we baixssimos; we have right the education of quality, right the culture, to the art but nor always, in the school we learn what we would have to learn, nor we frequentamos the spaces healthy educators and who we would have to frequentar. We have right feeding in them at least six times per day, and it is not myth, that many times per day, we do not have what to eat; we have right to the health, medical attendance of quality and however, die gratuitously, for mere indifference; we have right the LIFE, but lose we it bestamente, in exchange for a clock, a pair of shoes, a currency, a dose of drips or a look badly interpreted and many times for our appearance: if we are pretty or ugly and we do not please to somebody. .

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