Rio Grande

In these ratios the nationalism the defense of its unit is on, that falls again on the management of each province, the invasion of the Brazilian territory, invokes and/or wounds so strong feelings never before, as in the sample president Luiz Barboza Da Silva: This guarantee, this protection of all for each one, that results of the set of sworn institutions; security individual and of property that each one finds for itself and guarantees in turn its fellow citizens, tranquillity public who from there result, and certainty of that our language, our customs and our religion, will be always coffers sacred, that piously we have to transmit our grandsons here it is our proper memory and the enlargement that we will have given to it, that is the native land Perceives that this speech passes of the criterion description for the consolidation of the ideological argument, and in the province of the Rio Grande of the North the importance of the maintenance of ' ' coffers sagradas' ' as: customs, language, religion and of the traditions, as well as the individual property, taken root with the maintenance of the power of the local elite, were part of a iderio that needed to pass to a period of training to the front, the elites could not alone supply the defense of the Country, as well as, the construction of the nation, the situation of war and, the consolidation of an enemy in common it becomes possible the integration of an element until then suppressed and feared; the popular participation in mass; According to Hobsbawm For the obvious, layers most traditional, delayed or poor reasons of each people were the last ones to be involved in such movements: workers, used and peasants, who followed the way traced for ' ' well-behaved ' ' the elite. At Mary Barra you will find additional information. The phase of the mass nationalism, that came normally under the influence of organizations of the average layer of nationalists (…) was of some form related with economic development and politician.

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