Roman Empire

4 – Your dog’s constant barking, bother of insistently neighbors, who certainly appreciate your concern and affection for animals, to the same extent that eager, te pires a damn time, and go to live in a cabin in Mount, place where your can and even yourself, can bark, groaning and shouting at full lung. 5 – That being always late (even just a few minutes), you do not be a type peculiar and different to others, that surely, what will think of you, is that apart from unpunctual, you are committing towards them, a lack of respect, and that any day in all likelihood, will leave you more planted the tree of Guernica, and you’ll have well deserved. 6 – If you’re crowded in money, you’ll not ruin, if you occasionally do a small work of charity. Don’t be so extremely greedy and selfish, and think, you’re not a cat with its seven lives, just have one, like the rest of us mortals. Maybe when you put pine costume, you’re the richest cemetery, but at the end, the only thing you’ve shown is that you’ve been a real miserable the length and width of your existence. 7 – The mirror doesn’t fool anyone. You look fat?, is that thing you are, even I would say more, every day that passes, campa fat rampant through your body as the wild hordes of Attila, when in command of his Huns, he emphasized the powerful Roman Empire knees, seizing all territory that was in its path. That’s the same thing that happened to you with nutrients from type lipid, that you’ve abused both of them, that ultimately the landscape of your body chassis, is so bleak, that where should exist muscle, just appears chicho and michelin. Just in case you thought Verte delgado with eating binges, that day itself and day also, you get between chest and back? Do not you realize in addition, do not exercise at all, and that carry a more sedentary than a taxi driver? You live in a first, but upload in elevator, your House is a mile from the Office, but going by car, your favorite sport is billiards, and the last time you did exercise, was when blew you the Colt in the mili (and already rained!).

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