Later the man it caught the bag and it left to place in the lixeira, in the sidewalk. Exactly day at night – How it was its day today? It inquired Silvia during the supper. – Flat as you can imagine. you? – We are investigating a strange case. A youngster was found died in a strip of land. She is a sportsman, called Renato Moiro. The body had a wound in the neck that seems to have been one bite. The death if gave for the loss of blood, however, it did not have blood in the place.
– It was attacked in another place? – Yes, but the stranger is the wound in the jugular vein – Vampire? Silvia looked at for the husband, serious. – It is clearly that this is a legend! Vampires do not exist. – How not? It remembers the case that left in periodicals has two years? The case of that man, the Taram Drekel! – I do not know, we go to move of subject and to eat? After the supper, Daniel sat down in the room to attend television. The reporter of the 21 hours presented a news article on the death of Renato Moiro. It had participated of a match of canoagem in Santa Catarina and travelled in return for house when he disappeared. A photograph of the youngster was shown. In the photo, taken off the edges of a river, caiaque appeared Renato of foot next to one and leaned the boat it was a yellow knapsack with red handles. Daniel remembered the inhabitant of the sobrado one that destrua an equal knapsack that one.
Daniel disclosed the fact to the wife. – It placed the bag in the lixeira? He inquired Silvia. – Yes and he has this hour already is not more there. – Perhaps either coincidence, but in all in case that I go to ask for a colleague to discover who is and of where they had come.