Selling a Car

It turns out these questions gnaw at thousands of people. And as the Russian economy is on the stairs higher and higher, respectively, and the number of owners of cars is becoming more and more. The number of our favorite iron friends multiply by the day. Cars have become cheaper and more accessible, as we had available to Korean and Chinese cars that are not inferior to another time, "settled" by the German and Japanese. Change people, I'm interested, everyone wants to novelty.

What could be better than a new car if the old order is already sick? Some sell the car because they think that after 3 years of service, it will not work properly so as should, but to go to garages, no time. Many car owners sell their existing seven-ten car, while trying to get 3-year-old. That this is so self-exchange (circulation) in this market. He became so big lately that, seeing as there are more than wheelbarrows, people may not have time to fully enjoy the "cream" of the purchased car is relatively recent. How can I sell a car as quickly as possible and profitable? 1) Maximum – 80% of market value will be offered at the agency to buy cars. The only plus is quick sale and plenty of them – do not have long to ferret out. Therefore, we can argue that those car owners who come to the agency, estimated his personal time for preparation and sale are the 20% of the cost of selling the car.

2) your car at the car – it is certainly cheap. But modern buyer and is considering other places to buy a car, that is, is a redistribution of the market. Now the market go shopping is not so frequently as in times past. People are by nature very lazy, for example, in order to leave the house, somewhere to go, to walk through the markets, bargaining with recalcitrant sellers. 3) Newspaper ads. And the place is better than one, but immediately in a variety of newspapers. Best course If you place an ad to sell the car b / y b / y along with beautiful photography, as in other ads usually pay about 90% less of their attention. 600-800 rubles – that's about as much you give Post your ad for only one newspaper (even though there may be many). Publish your application is at least one week – this is one of the disadvantages of newspaper ads. And you probably will not work in a short time to sell a car if you choose this option. 4) The Internet – this is an outlet for those who think that time and money and wants to sell povygodnee car, because is very important that you find this method is worthless. Write your proposal immediately available in many auto sites that are popular with visitors. Unlike newspapers, you can, or rather must attach a photo, so as to auto-sites you can do it for free. No photo car literally 95% of prospective buyers do not even read your printed ad looked it without pictures. Do not be lazy with the writing quality ads, take a couple of hours on a good photo of your net washed the car, and then you will not have long to wait from sites at least some news. Article owned car web-site Tachka.Ru (Citroen, Seat, etc.) .. Borrowing of any materials without the presence of hyper-links to the source punishable by law.

Published in: General

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