Silicate Blocks

Production of gas silicate blocks is carried out by a chemical reaction when the silicate mixture of aluminum powder is added, the mixture was foamed by hydrogen liberated by the reaction: 2Al +3 Ca (OH) 2 +6 H2O = 3CO * Al2O3 * 6H2O +3 H2 The reaction proceeds with aqueous solution of calcium oxide (CO), lime-. Hydrogen rises upward, forming cells are interconnected (open cell). In this process, gassing must cease in time began setting binder. To adjust this time the mixture is usually added salt of lead or barium. The resulting foamed array of metal strings into blocks and placed in an autoclave, where the heat treatment with steam at a temperature 180oS at a pressure of 12 atm. Go to the complexity of manufacturing gas silicate blocks should be assigned a fairly low content of the main component of quicklime (CO), which is in the domestic raw materials are sometimes little more than 70-75%. In this case, while setting an array of high strength can dial up his cutting of the strings, which leads to problems when it is of Cut. production compared with the production of foam requires large investment..

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