South America

A danger that patrol the South America I finish to receive from Argentina the following notice: EL GOBIERNO RECHAZ PROPUESTA OF VENDER TIERRAS TO PAY THERE to DEUDA.Esta notice THERE worries in very not only Argentina, but all the South America, in special the become indebted countries. The economic and financial instabilidades provoked by the crises in Russia, Turkey, the Coreia of the north and other countries, had always reed-echo of disastrous form in the producing countries of primary goods and that they have in the bases of food exportation its prescription sources. But that they depend and very of the position of the dollar in relation to the importation of insumos for the production of foods you exported, what generates a form of disequilibrium in the finances, and for consequence compels these countries to search loans international. Fact that occurs in BRAZIL, ARGENTINA and other countries. Less in COLOMBIA.

() To the fact of if searching loans international, it is thought about one another fact, that is to pay these loans. But who disponibiliza such additions also is sage of the risks, the difficulties and the uncertainties who runs. Then. ARGENTINA came trying to lie for same itself that she was detainer of a similar economy to the United States economy. It had a false parity of the Argentine weight with the American dollar.

This age more or less thus: the financial authorities and the Argentine politicians dissimulated that they had a hard currency and all the Argentine population made of account that believed. one day the lie of the story of ' ' it makes of conta' ' it finished and the Argentines if they capsize before an unusual situation. They did not have money nor to buy hygienical paper, the more food. They were broken. Technical declared insolvent. They did not accept the Argentine weight nor in Paraguay.

Published in: General

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