Tag Archives: economy
Financial Notation
The agencies of financial notation had been main the responsible ones for the crisis, that had its beginning in 2007. The products most toxic had easily gotten the notations highest, so that they acquired them to the investors. The great … Continue reading
South America
A danger that patrol the South America I finish to receive from Argentina the following notice: EL GOBIERNO RECHAZ PROPUESTA OF VENDER TIERRAS TO PAY THERE to DEUDA.Esta notice THERE worries in very not only Argentina, but all the South … Continue reading
Brazilian Plan
This excessively became the cheap and competitive importations in the domestic market, what it forced the national industry to improve its productivity front to the foreign competition. The popularizao of the consumption occurred then, in virtue of the significant magnifying … Continue reading
Latin American Poverty
" The emphasis in the book, on the belief that the development of the poorest countries depends only on the behavior of the richest countries, and seeks to show that development occurs only below upwards, ie, societies and active citizens … Continue reading