Tag Archives: history
Rio Grande
In these ratios the nationalism the defense of its unit is on, that falls again on the management of each province, the invasion of the Brazilian territory, invokes and/or wounds so strong feelings never before, as in the sample president … Continue reading
Foreign Affairs
Two words about photography brewer. I got it from his grandson Charles Hasslingera Leoneans living in Germany. And helped me in this Consul General of Germany, Karl Vokalek, his assistant, Victor Shtukkert and a leading expert representative of our Ministry … Continue reading
Farroupilha Revolution
In period they had the same received sesmarias Antonio Jose de Menezes, Antonio Young chicken of Azambuja, Belarmino Da Silva, Salvador Lopes de Vargas, Manoel Alves Rabbit of Moraes, Joo of the Coast Milk and others, being that several of … Continue reading
Portuguese Text
SUBJECT EDUCATION IN PERIOD COLONIAL AND PAPER OF HISTORY DEVELOPMENT analysis of text Action Missionary and education brings points very interesting, that discloses characteristics of the education that was given, for the Company of Jesus in centuries XVI, XVII and … Continue reading
Alexis Baslio
Nowadays the reporters of the moment are on the disarmament. Much was had to speak on accidents provoked for firearms, but the armament does not make nothing alone, will be in a safe place, far from children whom notion of … Continue reading
Jean Jacques Rousseau
FREEDOM, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY Always had, on the part of chaste privileged, civil or the religious ones, the monopoly of the power, the goods, the wealth and, also, knowing. In Egypt, to have access to the knowledge, the neophytes were obliged … Continue reading