Whereas the emulsion painting absorbs the water, the painting brightness is resistant to the water. The quality of the ground is another important factor. If you are walking on wood floors or marble, that asegrese of is not hollow. To pay one prioritizes more discharge by more earth: To pay a little more the premium to return a great amount from the premium. If you have the financial standing, to choose a lot of corner. Lot of corner is generally in high demand and units limited due to the additional Earth. The lot of corner would not have to be in the main highway, where the traffic is heavy.
If you cannot allow yourself to buy a particular floor in a lot of corner, chooses a unit of intermediate care. It is important to know who are their neighbors. If his neighbor is an operator of kindergarten, the unit is graceful, and put to its out of place house. In the morning there will be a great amount of traffic and could have a pile of cars parked in front of his house. The best thing is to avoid to widely buy floor to individual next to a unit in fact in march. Its house will be made and to cause that it seems out of place. Property additional advantage if the unit faces the green parks, zones or a lake, mainly if one is within the development legally closed and watched.
Secondly, the main entrance is oriented to the north or the south. With this direction, you do not receive direct solar light and that would do that the refrigerator of house. He does not buy a floor residential that faces one journeyed wagon main one to avoid the environmental contamination and annoyances. It must at least be three or four houses of distance of the main highway. It avoids the units near the commercial facilities like electrical lines, schools, areas, mosques, temples and lagoons of oxidation, as well as skirts of hills (to avoid possible earth slidings). It avoids T-unions like the plague. The distribution-t has certain risks. The light of cars brightness directly in its house. The accidents can happen due to the location of the floor. If you are investing in a floor to individual of high altitude, goes for 10 floor or superior to obtain one better vision and less noise. And he will be fresher. It avoids plant superior, mainly if the floor is of 10 to 20 years of age since there will be no problem with the flights of the ceiling and exists the possibility of the movements of floor tiles due to the exhibition to strong winds. Questions of flight of the ceiling, it would be difficult to carry out the repair. It avoids to buy of plant low, unless it offers certain advantage like additional spaces, positioned well and it does not surround the flow of main traffic. Otherwise, not to have privacy.