III. results and discussion features fisicogeograficas III.1: the lithology consists mainly of rocks carbonatas training Guasasa. The relief is mogotico, consisting of two separate lifts by by an open, which corresponds to a river paleocauce. This mogote is located along the Valley of Caiguanabo. The Ecotone is hot tropical type, with a period of drought in the winter of 5 months (Novo and Luis, 1989). III.2 composition floristic: for Los Cruces identified 271 species including spermatophytes, ferns and mosses, which are distributed in 196 genera and 83 families.
The most representative families are: Rubiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Orchidaceae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Sapindaceae, Bignonaceae, Moraceae, and Malphigiaceae. The list of families of the botany course that appears in the floristic list the study area amounts to 46, representing 55.4% of the same. On the other hand, the list of species of interest included in the list mentioned floristic, dendrologico has a total of 71 species, which represents the 565 of this. This research emphasis is made on a species that deserves attention: Cnidoscolus bellator var. bullatus which appears a brief description in the Flora of Cuba and subsequent studies have not been detected. It has been shown that the adults are not abundant, reproduction is effective, since there are around adults up to 10 young men, always grow near the peaks, the bare rocks, with its roots penetrating into the cracks with red protorrendzinas.
From March 1997 to March 1998 was kept permanently leaves flowers and fruits and is pollinated by Xillocopa cubaecola (Palacios, com. pers.) III.3 Marti and its direct link with the flora. It is worth noting as Marti refers to plants that was on its way, but that at the same time were you attractive both for its beauty and its uses. Thus left him reflected in his newspaper’s campaign when he said: see the yaguama, fenica blade that stagnant blood and with his mere shadow benefits the injured today.