The Redemption Price For Leasing

The economic literature ambiguously interpreted the role of the redemption price in operations under the lease agreement. In particular, extended this view is that the redemption price forms the value of depreciable property received under the lease agreement after the implementation of all contract of lease payments, and that in the future, this cost is paid off through depreciation deductions, including for the purposes of profits tax. At the same time in the practice of leasing is often used in a symbolic purchase price of, for example, equal to 1 ruble (dollar, euro, etc.), which renders meaningless the very formulation of the question of depreciation after transfer of ownership to the lessee. What caused the diversity of opinions and what the real role of the purchase price, whether it is necessary at all? Designation of the redemption price must be at least at the formal grounds, because the law "On Financial Rental (Leasing)" determined that the lessee can purchase the leased asset in the property under a contract of sale where the purchase price is present on definition. Consider the role and value of the redemption price, if the parties' agreement the leased asset is recorded on the lessee. The law "On Financial Rental (Leasing), a full lease payments defined as a reimbursement of lessor relating to the acquisition and transfer of the leased asset to the lessee, reimbursement of costs associated with the provision of others. under the leasing contract services, and income of lessor. Assume that the contract does not set the symbolic and the real purchase price amounting to 10 percent of the costs Lessor relating to the acquisition of the leased asset, and the price is not included in the lease payments.

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