The Trader

The representation of the questionings and the results was presented below in the model: In the first block where if it looked for to know the socioeconmicas characteristics, we had of ten applied questionnaires, in unamimity of the interviewed ones possess the professional activity of traders, and alone to become to be valid, being all of the masculine sex. How much to the escolaridade only the traders C4 and C7 possess complete superior level, other quatros interviews possess only the complete average level as it is the case of the traders C1, C3, C6 and C8, excessively they present only incomplete average education and incomplete basic education. In this first stage of the research he is evidenced that in the commercial center of the quarter small market the escolaridade is not a problem for the enterprise administration. As some interviewed say that: ' ' I do not feel no difficulty in managing my same company for not possessing not even basic education, but it learns to manage my way and comes giving certain until hoje' '. (C2 TRADER, 2011). Already as the block looked for to know the type of deals that each interviewed is inserted, to know the time of service of each one and which had been the reasons had taken that them to be part of this type of market. But C10 trader possesss as type of establishment a sacolo, the C1 traders, C2 and C5 has as type of establishment the attacked one. The traders who follow the type of deliverer are C3, C6 and C9, excessively the interviewed traders possess as type of establishment the advertising. How much to the time that already is in this type of establishment had 40% of the interviewed ones and with more than six years and 30% already they are of 4 the 6 years in these establishments and 30% remains are of 1 the 3 years in this type of establishment.

Published in: General

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