United States

Allies the culture of the Brazilians and the practical one of ' ' empurroterapia' ' , still we have the propagandas, that they treat medicines as any merchandise and use of some mechanisms of seduction and persuasion to stimulate the independent medicine purchase. Parallel to this the public agencies make seen thick with a precarious fiscalization on the part of the State and the public agencies. The establishments that forbid medicines are of pharmacies find, thus, vary easinesses, that are: the satiated advertising of medicines offered for the laboratories; the culture of the self-medication Brazilians and the certainty that will not be punished by offering medicines without any criterion. The inexistence of fiscalization in these places can take the existence of another problem, that the counterfeited medicine sales. The sales or of medicines counterfeited in these establishments do not go to depend only on the conscience of the proper traders and suppliers of these medicines for the traders.

But one is in doubts how much to this conscience, since only objective, as much of the suppliers as of the traders, is to transform the medicine into merchandise and to increase the profits. The medicine sales citizens the medical lapsing are not of pharmacies and the significant increase of the medicine number that can be yielded without medical prescription is something that if practises already in some countries as the United kingdom or the United States, but exactly in these countries and after applied it has some years, the measure not yet is consensual (COTRIM, 2006). According to Birth (2009), ' ' it has ten years more than, the medicines are the main agent of human poisoning officially registered in Brazil, in accordance with the National System of Toxicolgicas Information (Sinitox) of the Fiocruz' '. The medicine mainly offers risks to its consumers due to the correct orientation. Therefore the presence of the druggist to give clarifications on definitive medicine is essential.

Published in: General

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