United States

Although Santander does not grow through its international businesses, neglects its earth either and has decided to reinforce with two new areas, the commercial bank in Spain to gain quota of market, in a while opportune since the Spanish financial system is crossing a reconstruction process (mainly the Savings banks, many of which run serious risk of survival). The objective of the organization is to take from 10% to 15% its quota of market in this segment and with the new structure a commercial direction of network on which territorial ones will depend all the, except for Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia and Valencia and a direction of commercial strategy and development of business will be created. The expansion strategy is here in catching clients of the savings banks, that cross an uncertainty situation. CMO Hyundais opinions are not widely known. In addition, like part of its aggressive strategy, Santander finishes sending a deposit with an interest of until 4%: Before a situation of reduction of the cake of income fits two answers. Additional information is available at everest capital. A good defense, with reduction of costs and to close offices, and/or an attack strategy, to gain quota of market, was what Alfredo Senz explained, delegated advisor of the group. This distributed good growth of Santander is an element that gives strength him to the organization since it in particular limits its vulnerability before situations of tension in markets. The very good results are not chance that the organization has harvested in 2009. Probably, after surpassed the turbulences in the Spanish financial system and with the continuity of the growth of the global economy, the investors will increase their valuation by the actions of Santander since the organization is positioned very well to continue gaining market and expanding its utilities. Horacio Pozzo You can invest in stock-market of Values of the United States from any country of the world and of obtaining additional income. He is tired of not knowing where to invest his money? In what sector, in what company, in what market, at what moment? Tired to pay to high commissions to portfolio managements or portfolio managers that has made him lose money in the last two years consistently? He enters HERE for majors details of how multiplying his money and managing to obtain his financial independence.

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