Vocational Guidance

Astrology can help you choose the most suitable for your profession. Each spring, your children, grandchildren, relatives, and, perhaps, and you are faced with the problem of choice: where to go to learn? Which is not just a profession we dream in my childhood! But life is different, and sometimes makes the turn at all 180 degrees and nibble granite completely "foreign" science. According to statistics from the question, are you satisfied with their chosen profession in the UK reply "yes" 40% of the respondents, and in Russia such people only 3,5%. Why is Russia so many people are dissatisfied with your profession? Half of the students enrolled in the last three years in Russian universities, said that went to study in chosen specialty because it is like their parents. 24% of all graduates surveyed admitted that they lacked the education received at school to do wherever they wish, and the rest responded that they did not had the financial ability to go to study in their chosen specialty. Of course, the most troubling part is the students who choose their future profession by order of mom or dad. What then of this obtained? People with higher education goes through a series of stages of their professional development. The first begins immediately after graduation.

The man in this period knows himself in the professional world, starts understand how the chosen profession is interesting for him if he can achieve success. And if all of these questions will be answered "no"? Then we have one more disaffected person. Appropriate to recall biblical parable of the buried talent: if you bury your talent in the ground, suffering not only to you. You leave without a "product" of his talent to all those who need it. Therefore zaryvshy talent in the ground is always punished.

If the dream ignore it "revenge" human sense of lost opportunities, despondency, often passing in depression, frustration, and therefore – boleznyami.Krome addition, we often blame someone that is not a dream come true: "all due You …. Thus, unrealized desire can destroy relationships with loved ones. An important law of life is that in our area of greatest interest is always a big part of our ability. If people should be their professional interests, trying to realize a dream, he develops his abilities and becomes a master. Therefore, the recommendation to schoolchildren and their parents: do not waste your energy on running around to universities to find out where there are fewer passing score, and much easier to do. Think better, which is more suitable for implementation abilities of your children, what their interests and desires? If you can not answer these questions, Astrology will always help you! Source:

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