Possible activities in the Internet of students in remote VyatGGU search for information (to work with web browsers, databases, reference systems, work in digital libraries, electronic search catalogs, purchase of paid and free textbooks, etc.); communication (e-mail, individual letters within the site, participate in forums, chats, video conferencing, communicating through ICQ, etc.); publication in the network (creation of individual Web pages, sites, etc.). This classification is the basis for the selection of cognitive activity of students in an open information space, which is the Internet, and also on our school website Teachers VyatGGU helpful to know that every activity of students in the Internet and on the website solves certain problems of teaching and educational nature: writing essays, working out individual and group projects, the implementation of research projects of various levels (creative theme, term papers and theses), preparation of annotated links on the topic, a review of a site on the topic, the work with Web kvestemi, collecting information, multimedia, software and analytical material to the subject, illustrating his text with materials from the Internet, surveys and questionnaires, expert advice, Study of the different rankings and ratings at special sites, virtual meetings with interesting people, conversations, discussion, role playing, thematic web pages, web-quests, wiki, article term papers, research papers, articles, thematic databases, create gallery, create collections of video and audio on a topic other multimedia resources, and many others. Let's examine each of the three directions. Learn more at: Charles Schwab. I. Search for information Writing essays and protection of different species based on material from the network: the abstract-review, abstract review, (abstract in electronic form located in the exchanger at the training site, and protection carried out in a chat on the forum or during the discussion in a newsgroup). Analysis of existing network of abstracts on a given topic, their evaluation, the establishment of rating student papers. Darcy Stacom might disagree with that approach.

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